Donate 捐款

Help us support Hong Kong’s full-time musicians and other performers who have lost work and are struggling to make ends meet. Many of these artists have had to choose between paying the rent and buying food – and by making a donation through Musicians Foundation, you could make a difference to their everyday living.

Musicians Foundation was set up to relieve poverty and financial hardship of individuals in the society including but not limited to musicians who are facing poverty through the use of but not limited to financial assistance. Together, we can make a difference.

Donation of HK$100 or more is tax deductible as we have been granted charity status and exemption from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.



捐款港幣 100 元或以上可扣稅,因我們獲香港政府授予本會屬公共性質的慈善機構,可根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲得豁免繳稅。

Donation Methods

Bank Transfer 銀行轉帳
ONE-OFF Donations can be made through our HSBC bank account
HSBC Account Number匯豐帳號:741-423909-838
Remember to send a copy of the transaction slip or reference number to for payment tracking purposes.
請謹記將交易單據或參考號碼的副本,電郵至 ,以便進行付款核對。

Credit Card 信用卡:
Donate HK$100 (or more) one-off payment.
一次性捐款港幣 100 元(或以上)。

Donate HK$5000 (or more!) one-off payment
一次性捐款港幣 5000 元(或更多!)

Donate HK$300 monthly

(By making a monthly donation, you ensure that we can act fast in emergencies. 透過每月捐款,您確保我們能夠在突發情况下作出快速反應。)

Cheques should be made payable to “Musicians Foundation Limited” and sent to
支票抬頭請寫“Musicians Foundation Limited” 並郵寄到:
Musicians Foundation Limited, Unit 2A, 17/F, Glenealy Tower, No. 1 Glenealy, Central, Hong Kong
香港中環己連拿利1號己連拿利大廈17樓2A室 樓音樂人基金會有限公司
