Vision 願景

About Musicians Foundation
Empowering Musicians, Inspiring Communities
Post-COVID, Musicians Foundation aims to continue serving the community of career musicians in Hong Kong, both financially and mentally. With the challenges posed by the pandemic now subsiding, the organization will pivot its focus towards long-term, sustainable support for musicians. This includes providing financial assistance and career development resources to help musicians rebuild their livelihoods, as well as introducing mental health programs and counseling services to address the significant toll that the past few years have taken. The Foundation recognizes that musicians are not only artists, but also small business owners and entrepreneurs who require multi-faceted support to thrive in the post-pandemic landscape. By advocating for the needs of this underrepresented community, the Musicians Foundation is committed to ensuring the continued vitality of Hong Kong’s vibrant music scene.



Mission 宗旨

We are dedicated to supporting and finding opportunities for local musicians to continue their music careers through times of crisis.

Objectives 目標

The objects for which the Musicians Foundation is established are: –

To relieve poverty and financial hardship of individuals in the society including but not limited to musicians who are facing poverty through the use of but not limited to financial assistance.

To promote music education by formulating and preparing schemes for and establishing and taking all necessary steps for the education, promotion, maintenance, improvement and advancement of the interest of the public in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the development of music in its various related forms of art, whether educational, cultural, classical, modern or contemporary.

To present, produce, manage, conduct and represent at any theatre or place of performance, public or private, covered or open-air, such works and activities as the Musicians Foundation may from time to time think fit.

To organize the production, management, display, performance and presentation of such works and activities in relation to music education.

To produce or present works and activities in relation to music education in collaboration with any organizations and institutions and to enter into any arrangements for the management, conduct, control and carrying on of such publication or production, and for the supply of works, activities, and related materials and services connected therewith.

For advancement of physical health and mental health for the benefit of the Hong Kong community, to organize charitable activities that promote the physical and mental health of members of the public

Activities 活動

We plan to regularly host live music events showcasing the very musicians we want to help.
We plan to secure office space and volunteer staff.
We will contact corporations and institutions for Corporate Sponsorship.
We will pursue funding possibilities through corporate donations and philanthropy.
We will seek donations from individuals and companies.
We will locate and support musicians who are homeless or currently being evicted.